How to travel sustainably in The Tirthan Valley

Isn’t it mesmerizing to wake up to the view of lush green forest laid across miles of elevated land, or to stand still and gaze at a gargantuan peak and feel like it’s staring back at you from a distance? Imagine walking through narrow, steep and rocky paths leading to waterfalls or spending a night under a dense blanket of flickering galaxies from millions of light years away.

Well, irrespective of how enticing these experiences may sound they are not free of cost. You may be wondering, what cost am I speaking about? Is it the cost of travelling to a marvellous hilly region? Is it the cost of living prevalent in the same location? The answer is, no.

I am referring to the preservation of the wild and raw natural elements that inhabit these locations. That is what these locations derive their magic from and hence need to be safeguarded from the cons of tourism. Some of these include pollution, illegal destruction of nature to boost the economy and ruthless treatment towards animals. These dire conditions lead to a need for ‘sustainable travelling’.

Bird’s eye view of the entire Tirthan Valley

What is Sustainable Tourism in India?

Sustainable travel refers to a set of conscious practices that tourists and locals can partake in to minimize the negative impact that tourism has on the environment, local communities and the culture of the area. Sustainable travel can be primarily divided into three parts: planet, people, and profits. Efficient management of each of the 3Ps is essential to sustainable travel hence, the tourism industry is rigorously promoting the same.

Importance of Eco-Tourism in the Himalayas

With over a hundred ranges scattered over a thousand kilometres, the Himalayan ranges are the pride snow-laden protectors of the Indian peninsula. Since the inception of tourism at the low-lying peaks of these ranges, humans have been violated and polluted to promote economic development. However, sustainable travel can aid in reducing these ill influences on nature.

Look what I found- a pretty wildflower

Tips about Traveling Green in Tirthan Valley

A humble abode to the Great Himalayan National Park, the Tirthan Valley is a renowned spot amongst the devotees of slow living. People from all over the world travel to the valley to find peace in breathing and indulging in quirky activities like trekking, fishing and bird-watching.

Due to its undying charm and beauty, the Tirthan Valley is often called “the Valley of Gods”. This itself is enough of a reason why sustainable travel in Tirthan Valley is so important for every person who is visiting or planning to visit the location.

You should know that everyone can practice eco-conscious travel and as a matter of fact, it is rather simple. Here is a list of eco-friendly travel tips that you can keep in mind while booking your next trip, especially to the Tirthan Valley.

  • Opting for simpler travelling methods: Although most people choose convenience over consciousness, as a sustainable traveller you should opt for local transport like bus or shared vehicles, use mountain bikes, walk or hike to accessible locations instead of renting a private vehicle. This will help in significantly reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Minimizing the use of plastic: Hydration is very important, especially while travelling. However, the water bottles that we usually purchase are made of single-use plastic which is extremely harmful to the ecosystem of the location. Therefore, purchase reusable bottles that you can carry along. This will help you in keeping yourself hydrated and prevent pollution.
  • Protecting natural marvels and heritage sites: While you’re exploring the place, do not litter the place or create marks on the site for the sake of creating an indispensable mark. This can damage the beauty of the site and provoke other tourists to practice the same. Practice Low-Impact Travel in Tirthan and protect the authentic essence of the location including low interaction with the natural flora and fauna of the location.

Gaping at the magnificent Chhoie Waterfalls

  • Selecting environmentally conscious accommodations: Because people generate a lot of waste at their place of accommodation, it is essential to choose ones that implement safe and eco-friendly waste management methods. Some of these include waste segregation, bio-composting techniques, etc.
  • Consciously disposing of dry waste: We would unanimously agree on the importance of snacking while travelling. However, often people throw this garbage anywhere they want. This should be strictly avoided. You should always find a dustbin to dispose of your waste, else carry it with you to your accommodation and use the bins provided in the facility to dispose of the same.
  • Boosting local economy: When on a trip to the Tirthan Valley, instead of visiting renowned hospitality brands, visit local businesses such as small food joints, food vendors, local cafes, homestays and boutique accommodation facilities like Divine Tirthan in the heart of Shairopa village. This will facilitate building a bond with localities, understanding their culture and discovering lesser-known facts about the place.

If we are all aware and willing to take these small and actionable green travel practices, we all can help create a major difference in every location that we visit.

Front view of Divine Tirthan on a cloudy morning

How does Divine Tirthan Support Responsible Tourism in Tirthan?

Since the time of inception, Divine Tirthan has taken special measures to integrate eco-friendly practices such as:

  Waste reduction and management: We manage wet and dry waste separately. The biodegradable waste from our kitchen and accommodation facility is converted into manure and used to tend our gardens as fertilizers.

  Energy efficiency: We have designed our facility in a specific fashion to accommodate natural lighting thereby minimizing the use of energy during the day. Moreover, we use an ancient technique of energy production, also known as “gharat chakki” or water turbines to contribute to our electricity needs.

  Local sourcing: We collaborate and work with local farmers to source our raw food materials directly from their farms to our kitchen and straight to your plate.

Practising eco-conscious travel in Himachal Pradesh specially in the Tirthan Valley can enhance your experience while safeguarding the region’s natural and cultural heritage. By choosing eco-friendly options, you can contribute to the conservation of the Himalayas and ensure that your stay is both enjoyable and responsible.

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